For maximum safety bicycle riders should ride against the flow of traffic
For maximum safety bicycle riders should ride against the flow of traffic

The bridge grating on the drawbridges can be slick when damp.Learn about bicycle laws in your state 1.

for maximum safety bicycle riders should ride against the flow of traffic

When crossing bridges, obey the posted instructions to walk your bike across the span.Watch out for road hazards such as rocks, potholes, gravel, sand, sewer grates, and animals.Do not hang packages off the handlebars or carry them in your lap. A backpack may also be used for light loads, but make sure the straps are tight so that the bag does not flop around while riding. Carry all cargo on a rack, in bike bags, or in panniers.If your bike is a rental, make sure it is in good riding condition before starting out. Maintain your bicycle regularly so it is safe and dependable.If you use a mirror, look back too you might miss an overtaking vehicle in your mirror. Look behind you before turning or changing lanes.To make yourself even more visible at night, use additional reflectors on your bicycle (e.g., pedal reflectors) and wear reflective material. At dusk and when it is dark, use a bright white headlight and a red rear reflector. Wear light, bright-colored clothing in daylight. Yield to other vehicles and pedestrians when traffic law requires that you do so.Do not ride two abreast on Gulf Boulevard.

for maximum safety bicycle riders should ride against the flow of traffic

  • Ride single file unless traffic allows you to ride two abreast.
  • If a motorist slows to allow you the right-of-way as a courtesy, make eye contact with the driver and signal that you understand that the driver gave you the right-of-way.
  • Always yield to overtaking traffic then signal before turning or changing lanes.
  • If you are one of those persons, be considerate of pedestrians and remember that they have the right-of-way on these walkways.) (You may see people with smaller children riding on the sidewalk. Riding on the left or on the sidewalk significantly increases your chances for being involved in a crash, especially at intersections and driveways where motorists will not expect to see you.
  • Ride on the right side of the roadway with the flow of traffic.
  • Blending in with the normal traffic flow is the safest way to ride.
  • Ride predictably, just as you would if you were operating a motor vehicle.
  • As a bicyclist, you have the same rights and responsibilities as a motorist does.

    for maximum safety bicycle riders should ride against the flow of traffic

    State laws define bicycles as moving vehicles subject to the same traffic regulations as automobiles, etc.

    For maximum safety bicycle riders should ride against the flow of traffic