Lolita free instals
Lolita  free instals

Also, you can put themes on the folder themes form FTP + If you see this error when the file is too big, you can follow my guide

Lolita free instals

You can import themes from your computer Backend > Preferences > Themes > Add new theme

Lolita free instals

Note: Please note that all the steps are described in the video already. Please upload the zip file of template to folder: ROOT/themes/, refresh your browser, you will see zip file in dropdown list of box Upload file to your folder in your live site via FTP client. , If you see error when use this way, please use option 2 Import from your computer > Choose File > Click Next Upload, file from your computer: Please find box:

Lolita free instals

In this step, you can install template follow 2 ways:.Go to back-office and login, navigate to: Preferences > Themes > Add new theme If you have avail shop and install follow guide Steps of how to install Prestashop theme

Lolita  free instals